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The Westbury SuperNeighborhood (SN) 


Westbury became a recognized SuperNeighborhood in March of 2005.  This is the mechanism by which the City of Houston disseminates information on many of their programs. Each SN has its own bylaws, but here is an overview of how the Westbury SN works.  We have a two-part council, and official SN proclamations are approved by the boards of both organizations – the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation and the Westbury Civic Club, both of which meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. 


The non-profit 501c3 partner, the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation (WAIC), hosts the morning Westbury SN meeting at 10:00 AM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  Since this meeting occurs during business hours, this is the meeting attended by representatives from the local businesses, apartments, schools, churches, and community organizations.  Schools are an important part of our neighborhood and the Principal or Assistant principals from Parker Elementary, Anderson Elementary, Meyerland Middle, and Westbury High bring updates about their schools.   


Most months  also have constituent representatives at the meeting on behalf of local politicians:  District K , Texas House of Representative and Senate , and the Mayor’s assistance office (The Department of Neighborhoods  (DoN).  Often we have representatives from METRO, Public Works, the Parks dept, Solid Waste and others.


Community people at the meeting represent different organizations in the neighborhood such as   Friends of Westbury Greenspaces;   Westbury Little League;  Westbury Community Garden; SWHouston 2000; the BOMD; the WCC, the Brays Bayou Association; theStones Throw HOA( the patio home community located just south of Westbury High School); Friends of Westbury High school; Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy; Levitt Pavilion Houston; Neighborhood to Trails SW; Friends of Chimney Rock Park.   


The second half of the SN meeting takes place on the 3rd Wednesday at 7PM at the monthly WCC meeting. The members of the WCC board attend and all residents are invited to come. 



Super Neighborhood #37 By-Laws
Westbury Super Neighborhood Council By-Laws
1. The Westbury Area is defined by the Land Use Map of the Westbury Super Neighborhood, which is on
the City of Houston’s website. The Westbury Area is bordered by South Main, South Post Oak, and the
utility easement behind the homes on the north side of Willowbend, and generally by the North and
South Braewick Ditches (D112-09 and D112-02, respectively) behind the homes on Braewick.
2. Westbury and the Westbury Area: Westbury originated as the Westbury Subdivisions. Parkwest 1, 2
and 3, were originally platted as part of Westbury 5, 5 and 3, respectively. The Westbury Area extends
south of Willow Waterhole Bayou and east of Chimney Rock. This additional part of the Westbury Area
contains the Willow Waterhole Greenway, businesses, apartment complexes, other institutions, two
homes, and the Stones Throw Subdivision.
3. The Westbury Civic Club: Any resident of the Westbury and Parkwest Subdivisions may become a
member of the Westbury Civic Club (WCC) by fulfilling the requirement as prescribed in its By-Laws. All
members are entitled to all privileges enumerated in the By Laws, except that, Section Directors can be
voted on only by the residents of each Section. The membership of the WCC meets annually to elect its
Officers and Board of Directors as prescribed in its By-Laws.
4. The Westbury Area Improvement Corporation: The Westbury Area Improvement Corporation (WAIC)
represents the businesses, apartment complexes, schools, churches, and non-profit organizations in the
Westbury Area. Stones Throw is entitled to a seat on the WAIC Board. Elections for the Officers and
Board of the WAIC occur as prescribed in its By-Laws.
5. The Westbury Super Neighborhood Council: The WCC and the WAIC Boards are the joint legislative
bodies of the Westbury Super Neighborhood Council. The Boards of the WCC and WAIC both meet
monthly at a time and place of their own choosing. Both organizations can and do conduct business
independently in accordance with their own state charters and by-laws as well as federal income tax

6. The Rights of Individuals: No individual or representative of an organization may be excluded from serving on either Board or any committee thereof based on race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin. The WCC and WAIC conduct open meetings.

7. Legislation: A legislative measure of the Council can be initiated in either Board, or at a general meeting of the WCC. In either case, a quorum must be present, and the measure must be passed with the understanding that the resolution is intended to be an action of the Council. The legislation is passed when the other body, at a meeting at which a quorum is present, approves the same resolution with the understanding that it will become an action of the Council. An action taken at a general meeting of the WCC can overturn an action of the WCC Board, and, if this is done, it will overturn an action of the Super Neighborhood Council.

8. Public Notice: The entire wording of each resolution passed by the Council will be published in the next monthly issue of the Westbury Crier, and will be permanently posted on the Council’s website.

9. Executive Committee: The Presidents of the two organizations serve as Co chairs of the Council. They will appoint an Executive Committee to review bills before they are presented to the two legislative bodies and to coordinate the actions of the two Boards.

10. Conflicts Between By Laws or Organizations: In the case of a conflict between these By-Laws and those of the other two organizations, the By Laws of the other organization will take precedent. However, once a conflict is identified, one or the other sets of By Laws must be amended to resolve it. Any dispute between the WCC and WAIC will be settled by a general meeting of the WCC, which will be called under the provisions of its own By Laws. .

11. Passage and Amendments: These By-Laws will become effective when approved by two thirds vote of the two Boards at which a quorum is present. These By Laws may be amended in the future by a two thirds vote of the Board of the WAIC at which a quorum is present, and by a vote taken during a general meeting of the membership of the WCC without a mail in ballot, which will be called in a manner as prescribed in its By-Laws.

Last Updated ( Friday, 14 March 2008 )

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