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We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. November 19 - Dr Shannon Walker Library 11630 Chimney Rock.   


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WAIC & SuperNeighborhood 37

Incorporated in 1991, the purpose of the 501c3 non-profit WAIC (Westbury Area Improvement Corporation) is to improve the quality of life for residents of the Westbury area of Houston, Texas.

The WAIC and the Westbury Civic Club jointly make up the Westbury37 SuperNeighborhood, as defined by the City of Houston.The WAIC board has representatives from local schools, non-profit institutions, businesses, local organizations, plus residents who live within the boundaries of the Westbury SuperNeighborhood.    

City of Houston -  Land Use Map for Westbury and Demographics   




Improving Westbury

Focus areas include:
* Support and manage the Westbury Community Garden
* Support for public parks & green spaces (Chimney Rock Park, Hager Park, Westbury Park, Willow Waterhole Park, Levitt Pavilion Houston,  trails and esplanades, and the Westbury Community Garden)
* Support for local schools & youth enrichment
* Support for programs at the city Platou Community Center
* Relationships between local businesses and residents
* Services from city, state, and federal governments


Westbury Area Improvement Corporation (WAIC) Board Meeting &Westbury Super Neighborhood #37 Monthly Meeting

The monthly WAIC & Super Neighborhood meeting occurs every third Tuesday at 10:00AM at the Dr. Shannon Walker library at 11630 Chimney Rock. 


          Incorporated in 1991, the purpose of the 501c3 non-profit WAIC (Westbury Area Improvement Corporation) is to improve the quality of life for residents of the Westbury area of Houston, Texas.  Mission:  The purpose of the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation (WAIC) shall be to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, learn, or play in the Westbury community.   This will be done by promoting the civic, cultural, educational, and general welfare of residents, workers, students, and visitors to the Westbury Super Neighborhood in Houston, Texas.   Focus areas include: * Support and manage the Westbury Community Garden     * Support for public parks & green spaces (Chimney Rock Park, Hager Park, Westbury Park, Willow Waterhole Park, trails and esplanades, and the Westbury Community Garden)      * Support for local schools & youth enrichment * Support for programs at the city Platou Community Center * Relationships between local businesses and residents  * Services from the city, state, and federal governments.  The WAIC meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 AM. Meetings are public.  The WAIC Board is made up of representatives of up to (#) in the following  categories listed below, per WAIC bylaws. Officers elected from the members of the board.CIVIC: (5) , SCHOOLS: (5) , RELIGIOUS /CHARITABLE: (5), BUSINESS: (5)  , COMMUNITY: (5) , PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTEES: (3)       





“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.Margaret Mead


Supporting Community Gardening

The Westbury Community Garden is one of the largest, most successful community gardens in Houston.  The garden has won both local and national awards. As our mission: “The Westbury Community Garden educates adults and children about good nutrition and ecology, strengthens community spirit, provides organically-grown food, and serves as a gathering place for the community.”  The garden’s slogan is “Growing Community through Gardening” and that is what it does.


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Building relationships is important.

We offer:

*Support for local schools & youth enrichment

* Support for programs at the Platou Community Center

* Relationships between local businesses and residents

* Services from city, state, and federal governments

Supporting a Green and Healthy Community

Support for public parks & green spaces (Chimney Rock Park, Hager Park, Westbury Park, Willow Waterhole Park, Levitt Pavilion Houston, trails and esplanades, and the Westbury Community Garden).  Our goal is to create a plan that will provide 1.) much needed green space for our neighborhood with the creation of linear parks, gardens and jogging/walking trails and 2.) habitat for our wildlife with the rehabilitation of these areas into “Habitat Highways ™” while improving our quality of life through the creation of a “Green Network”.  


Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start?


Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. Note on your donation which project you want to support! 


Whatever your passion; there is a project for you!

Friends of Westbury Park

Friends of Hager Park

Friends of Chimney Rock Park

Friends of Trails

Friends of Westbury Schools

Friends of the WAIC general donation

or visit our partners to donate to the: 

Willow Waterhole Greenspace

Levitt Pavillion Houston

Westbury Community Garden



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